Sorry, Taurus—Your November Horoscope Predicts Relationship Drama
You may be bracing for relationship drama this month, Taurus. After all, your Taurus November 2021 horoscope is encouraging you to take a closer look at how your relationships function, because on November 4, a new moon may reveal how you and the people you care about have changed. Growth is always tricky, but remember—you can try to grow together instead of growing apart.
Luckily, your social life and your love life will become much more exciting as of November 5! This is when Venus will dance into your spontaneous and free-spirited ninth house, encouraging you to embrace all the wild escapades and adrenaline-pumping adventures that can bring everyone closer together! This is also when Mercury will enter your harmonious seventh house, encouraging you to see eye to eye with others and work through any misunderstandings.
Some of these misunderstandings may come up by November 10, when Mercury and Mars join forces and bring hidden tensions to the surface. If you’re not getting along with someone, try to let patience reign over aggression! If you come on too strong, you might run into tension as the Mercury-Mars conjunction squares off with Saturn, leaving everyone more stubborn than usual. Give yourself some time before making a snap judgment.
By November 12, it may feel easier to remove your ego from the situation as the sun forms a trine with Neptune. This will infuse your social interactions with harmony, love and understanding. At the end of the day, everyone is doing their best, so forgiveness may be the best move!
However, boiling points may be reached by November 19, when the lunar eclipse in Taurus takes place. Lunar eclipses have the power to take you in a totally different direction as they evoke unexpected engines and swift new beginnings that were always part of your destiny. By the end of this month, things could look quite different for you, Taurus!
Once Sagittarius season begins on November 21, you may have a better understanding of where your relationships stand. As the sun shifts into your intimate eighth house, you may be in the mood to share your love, time and energy with someone you’re ready to trust. Remember to set healthy boundaries, too!
from StyleCaster