Gemini, Your November Horoscope Urges You To Take Life More Seriously
You’re getting all your ducks in a row this month, Gem. Your Gemini November 2021 horoscope begins with an opportunity to rethink your daily routine and your self-care regimens. On November 4, a new moon will rise in your sixth house of health and work, encouraging you to review your patterns and reframe your organizational tactics. It’s a beautiful time to work on getting the most juice out of your squeeze!
By November 5, you’ll continue looking at your life in a more serious light. This is when Venus will light a candle in your intimate eighth house, tapping into your desire for relationships that are based on trust, mutual affection and emotional openness. Embrace your ability to be vulnerable! And as Mercury slides into your productive sixth house, you’ll feel all the more driven to infuse your days with structure and productivity.
However, change doesn’t happen overnight. By November 10, you may find it hard to let go of some of your old ideas in favor of new ones. As Mercury and Mars join forces, you may feel pressure to prove yourself as a hard and diligent worker. But as the Mercury-Mars conjunction slams into a square with Saturn, you’ll likely find that old habits die hard! Don’t think of yourself as a failure just because you’re not measuring up to some imaginary standard. Be patient with yourself.
You may find it easier to let go of your inner critic by November 12. As the sun forms a trine with Neptune, it will help you let go of your obsession with perfection as you embrace the magic behind the process. Reconnect with your vision, especially as it pertains to your career!
On November 19, a lunar eclipse will dawn in your 12th house of spirituality and surrender. This lunar eclipse may leave you feeling ready to acknowledge all that you’ve been carrying and let go of your attempts to alter what’s already out of your control. Forgive yourself for healing and moving on, because there are so many things you don’t need to feel responsible for anymore.
And don’t forget that you’re never healing alone! When Sagittarius season begins on November 21, it will activate your seventh house of partnerships, bringing you closer to your friends and loved ones. So many people have your back!
from StyleCaster