“The secret to having it all is knowing you already do!”
The world seems to be seeking immediate gratification in everything, what with all the social media it’s become almost impossible to live in the moment, and most importantly to live a “real” life.
I’m sure you’ve all seen those people that live amazing lives on social media, always seem to be happy and smiling and doing amazing things all the time. It certainly would appear that their lives are the best ever, when in reality the real lives are not anything to write home about because they are just living to post. Of course this isn’t true of everyone that you see, but beware to not get sucked into comparing yourself or your lives because you most certainly will fall short.
So how do we find what we see around us and just love our lives? When I was younger I don’t think I really appreciated the beauty that was around me…I definitely missed out on a lot of things that I don’t allow myself to miss out on now! Fall is an amazing time to start yourself on a journey of finding beauty all around, because of the colors and often beautiful sunshine.
Even if fall is not your favorite season, or you are fair-weathered person, just like I am, there is still plenty to appreciate and enjoy.
This Fall break we are spending time with the boys up in Midway, Utah, and there aren’t many better places for enjoying the scenery and peace and quiet. Even just driving up the Canyon on the way here, we have seen so many amazing colors, we played golf on Thursday, went on a Sleepy Hollow Haunted Wagon ride, and then Friday morning the wind blew so much that it brought snow in…
Now, I’m not a huge fan of really cold weather, but the boys and I went out for lunch, did a little shopping to buy some movies, and then came back to our house and made dinner in front of the fire so we could watch the movies.
Appreciation of what is around is the ONLY way we will get through this life as happy, fulfilled people. Enjoying the snow and the beauty it brings is a little harder for me, but it did give me the chance to sit by the fire with the boys and spend some great family time.
Sometimes it’s easier said than done to see beauty around you when you have hard things going on in your life, but I have noticed that whenever I can change my focus to those things that cause me to feel gratitude, or to help me to enjoy my life more, I definitely feel better about things. Nature and the beauty of the world is a great place to start, but I always like to find beauty in people too…not always an easy feat, because I have found that as I get older there are some people that are just not nice, but I notice that if I try to find at least ONE thing that someone does that is nice, a talent they have, or that they dress nice, it helps me to not focus on negative thoughts or feelings.
This weekend didn’t start off as good as I would have liked, I got up really early to watch Manchester United play soccer, and they lost…but, here’s where I know I am learning to find joy in the journey, I realize that it’s just one game and that it means they will re-evaluate and come out better than ever (ok, so I have no control over what they do, but I can think good thoughts because it makes me feel better )
I hope you find beauty around you this weekend…
from StyleQueenie.com http://ift.tt/2yAAg6V