Scorpio, Your November Horoscope Predicts Confidence & Creativity
It’s your time to shine! Your Scorpio November 2021 horoscope is here and it’s proof that this month might be a major game-changer. After all, it literally begins with a new moon in Scorpio on November 4, which will encourage you to take some serious leaps toward self-improvement. Use this new moon to remember how powerful you are and how powerful you have yet to become.
By November 5, your confidence will continue to shine brighter than ever. As Venus enters your clever third house, you’ll feel so much more witty, flirtatious and intellectual than usual, inspiring you to search for lovers are are smart enough to keep up with you! And as Mercury enters Scorpio, you may feel bolder when it comes to speaking your mind and making your opinions known. Instead of playing it coy and keeping quiet, you may feel ready to let everyone know that you’ve got all the answers.
However, by November 10, your eagerness to make big moves could eventually lead to impulsive decisions. As Mercury and Mars join forces, passion could overcome patience, so make sure to choose your words wisely before saying the wrong thing! As this Mercury-Mars conjunction squares off with Saturn, you may have a harder time tapping into your empathy. If you’re running into conflict, remember to put yourself in the other person’s shoes too.
Luckily, you’ll find more creative ways to express yourself by November 12. This is when the sun will trine Neptune, helping you see the romance and the fun in whatever situation you find yourself in. Things may not be perfect, but that doesn’t mean they can’t also be beautiful!
By November 19, tensions in your relationships may come to a head. As a lunar eclipse sparks change in your seventh house of partnerships, you may be blindsided by the actions of your loved ones. If someone shows you who they are, believe them! Eclipses have a tendency to reveal deep truths, so pay attention.
The chaos will begin to settle once Sagittarius season begins on November 21. This is when the sun will slide into your grounded and luxurious second house, inspiring you to get centered and to reconnect with all the pleasures that leave you feeling satisfied!
from StyleCaster