These V-Friendly Bath Bombs Won’t Turn a Relaxing Bath Into a UTI Situation
Honestly, there are very few self-care rituals that rival the tranquilizing effects of a good bath — especially when you have a deliciously scented and colorful bath bomb to accompany you. Unfortunately, while these fizzy bath products may be good for our mental health (and maybe even sanity, if it’s been a really long day), they’re not exactly known for being healthy for our vagina. Of course, not all beauty products (bath products, and otherwise) are created equal, so we did some research on some trusted bath bombs that won’t cause a UTI, yeast infection or ambiguous, weird itchiness the following day. Because frankly, these potential side effects aren’t exactly anxiety-relieving circumstances — which is why you indulged in that bath in the first place, right?
Bath bombs are often the culprit of UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections a.k.a. bladder infections), BV (bacterial vaginosis), and yeast infections because of the synthetic dyes (yes, the one’s that give your bath that Instagram-worthy cascade of colors) and fragrances (yes, the ones that make your bath smell like heaven on earth) that they’re often infused with, can travel into your vagina and/or urethra and disturb the normally well-balanced ecosystem of good and bad bacteria.
You’ve likely heard that your vagina has a fragile pH balance, and when it’s thrown off, this causes a slew of uncomfortable and downright painful problems. This is exactly why your gyno is literally always telling you to avoid scented tampons, perfumed “feminine” washes, and douching like the freaking plague.
These chemicals basically throw everything off down there, causing major inflammation and upping the risk for developing an infection exponentially. To make matters worse, if you happen to be a fan of the aesthetic AF glitter bombs, you’re really in trouble. Glitter is sharp and scratchy, and if you’re sitting in your bath for more than a few minutes (…and honestly, why would you not), these irritating particles can also travel into the vagina and urethra, potentially creating small tears in the lining, making you even more susceptible to infection.
Now, before you start the mourning process over the loss of your favorite way to unwind, let me bring forward a bit of hope to save you from the wrath of heartbreak looming in your infection-free horizon. It turns out, that there actually are some vagina-friendly and UTI-safe bath bombs out there, so you can enjoy this integral step in your self-care routine, without upsetting your V. Bombs away!
from StyleCaster