Whoa, Aquarius—Your May Horoscope Predicts A Whole New Friend Group
You may still be in hibernation when May begins because you’re soaking up the cozy vibes at home and spending time with loved ones. However, your Aquarius May 2021 horoscope has way more exciting plans for you! As of May 8, both Mercury and Venus will have activated your fifth house of fun and pleasure, encouraging you to do what makes you happy, fall in love and indulge in your creativity.
By May 11, a new moon in your fourth house of home and family will encourage you to look inside your heart and ask yourself what you truly need in order to feel whole. This is a beautiful time to spruce up your living space, reconnect with the power of your legacy and make more time for the people who know you best of all. And once Jupiter enters your second house of luxury and finance on May 13, you may find that you’re beginning to attract money and abundance left and right!
You may be feeling incredibly emotional and ready to let go of all the stress, anxiety and fear that has been plaguing you as of May 17. When the sun forms a trine with Pluto in your spiritual 12th house, you have the opportunity to let go of useless energy and forgive yourself. This release will serve your relationships well, and on May 19, you may find that you, in fact, can mix romance and lust with stability. As Venus forms a trine with Saturn in Aquarius, it will help you learn how to infuse your relationship with desire for the long-term.
The creative energy will reach an all time high when Gemini season begins on May 20. However, when the lunar eclipse takes place in your 11th house of friends on May 26, you may find yourself being introduced to a new set of people. You may also be thinking about whether you still fit in with the people you’ve been associated with already. It may be time to prioritize your vision for the future rather than the expectations others from your past may have of you.
There may be trouble in paradise as the month comes to a close. Mercury retrograde begins on May 29, bringing with it a whole slew of romantic complications that could leave your heart being totally confused. An old flame may reappear, but they will only serve to remind you how much you’ve grown since then! Be strong, Aqua.
from StyleCaster