4/20 Zoom Backgrounds For Your Virtual Smoke Sesh
If you’ve been following social distancing guidelines and wearing your mask when you go to see friends, it’s probably safe to assume that you and your pals haven’t been smoking together lately. You can’t share a joint or take hits from the same bong without risking the spread of coronavirus, so while celebrating 4/20 virtually isn’t as fun as the real thing, it’s important to stay separate and stay safe. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself! If weed is legal in your state, you can video chat with your friends while you get high—and these 4/20 Zoom backgrounds are a great way to make the festivities feel a little more, well, festive.
I know, I know—we’re all kind of ~over~ Zoom at this point. We’ve been using it to video chat with our friends for a full year now! It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Still, annoying as it is, Zoom has also been a total social life-saver, so in many ways I’m grateful it’s still an option.
By now, you’ve probably used your fair share of Zoom backgrounds, from funny photos and memes for happy hours with friends to office-themed backgrounds that put you in work mode ahead of a big meeting. So, why not have a few special picks on standby for your 4/20 smoke sesh? Simply send out the Zoom invite (and set the meeting time for 4:20 p.m., duh) and log on with a background guaranteed to make your friends laugh. And not just because they’re high.
Whether you opt for marijuana leaves or the weed king himself (a.k.a. Snoop Dogg), the below weed-themed zoom backgrounds are definitely 4/20-friendly. Oh, and don’t forget to whip up some edibles for some true party vibes. Happy holidays!

These Cute Marijuana Leaves
Can I call them cute? Maybe it’s the pink background. Either way, it’s as pretty as a weed-themed background gets.

This Declaration of Time
Everyone knows that 4:20 p.m. is time to get fun, so 4:20 on 4/20? Prepare for fun overload.

This Hemp Vs. Marijuana Chart
Just in case anyone on your Zoom call is a newbie, you can use this handy chart to explain the differences.

These Beautiful Nugs
Just imagine if your stash was this plentiful!

More Weed Leaves
A slightly more classic green-and-black colorway for 4/20 purists.

Some Stones
So you can keep saying “I’m so stoned” and pretending it’s funny.

These Tasty Munchies
Use this background as a reminder to order food so you don’t end up starved by the time your call ends.

The MEGA Agency.
Snoop Dog Blazing Up
I mean, does a more iconic 4/20 Zoom background exist??
from StyleCaster