Scorpio, Your April Horoscope Predicts A Life-Changing Month
This is bound to be an organized, energized and potentially life-changing month for you, Scorpio. On April 3, Mercury will activate your productive sixth house, encouraging you to become more measured and detail-oriented in your approach to just about everything. This energy is perfect for getting a lot of things done in a short amount of time and following a steady routine. However, once Mars squares off with Neptune on April 9, you might feel overly romantic, with your artistic inclinations clouding your better judgement. Luckily, there’s a way to harness all of this energy to your benefit—and your Scorpio April 2021 horoscope has all the details!
You may feel like starting a new routine altogether once the new moon takes place in your sixth house of work and health on April 11. This is a wonderful time to begin a new fitness program, start a self-care routine or just infuse your day-to-day life with a little more structure! You may struggle with negative thought patterns around April 16, so take it easy and be kind to yourself. As the sun squares off with Pluto, you may be tempted to veer off track, but keeping up with your self-care practices is exactly what will help you through the fog.
Your relationships will take the center stage once Taurus season begins on April 19. Venus, Mercury and the sun will activate your harmonious seventh house, encouraging you to spend more quality time with your favorite people and engage in more partnered activities. However, your relationships will likely absorb the blow of so many changes happening all at once by April 22. Venus will join forces with Uranus in your seventh house of partnerships, so if your relationships aren’t strong or built on deep commitments, it could lead to their sudden end. Luckily, this also paves the way for you to make exciting new bonds in their absence.
You’ll start noticing all the opportunities that await you by April 23, when Mars enters your expansive ninth house. You may be compelled to travel, step out of your comfort zone or simply indulge in some fascinating new ideas. But brace yourself, because on April 26, the Full Moon in Scorpio will radiate through the sky, making you the main character. Embrace all the revelations you may have about who you have been, who you are and who you’re becoming!
from StyleCaster