Leo, Your April Horoscope Calls For A Whole New Perspective
Your perspective on the world is changing this month, Leo. You’ll feel the shift immediately when, on April 3, Mercury enters your expansive ninth house of wisdom. This will prompt you to make sense of everything in a new way, and in helping you tell the stories of your life, you’ll understand how far you’ve come! You may feel hesitant to let people know what you’re feeling as Mars squares off with Neptune on April 9, so give yourself time to build up trust and ready yourself to open up. Your Leo April 2021 horoscope is all about dedicating yourself to your own journey, regardless of what other people think.
You may embark on a new adventure as the new moon spreads its wings in your ninth house of travel and spontaneity on April 11, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone. There’s no way of knowing where you’ll go next, but all that matters is the learning experiences you gain along the way. You may feel like you’re falling behind on you plans or veering away from your routine as the sun squares Pluto in your sixth house of work and health, so try to maintain balance between your desire for freedom and your need for structure.
You’ll take your experiences and begin harnessing them for your business plans once Venus, Mercury and the sun have all entered your 10th house of career on April 19. Instead of dreamily drifting from one opportunity to the next, you’ll be ready to grab the bull by the horns and compete to be the best version of yourself!
However, you may be dealing with some pretty surprising shifts in your career once the Venus-Uranus conjunction sends shockwaves to your ambitious 10th house on April 22. You may feel inspired to take on a professional opportunity that’s totally outside of your wheelhouse, and projects can end just as suddenly as they begin! Be prepared to roll with the punches to come out on top.
However, you will feel the energy begin to slow and simmer once Mars activates your spiritual 12th house on April 23. This will encourage inner healing, prompting you to engage in introspective efforts. And when the full moon glows in your fourth house of home and family, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your heart and what you truly need in order to feel safe and secure.
from StyleCaster