Making your way through superfoods, detox teas, expensive gym memberships, and fad diets can leave you with decision fatigue where you have lots of options to choose from but actually do not know what would eventually work. This decision fatigue can leave you overtaxed and you might even give up the whole idea of losing weight and getting fitter. For many, losing weight may seem like a never-ending battle which would need a lot of planning and strategy. When there’s so much stress around shedding extra weight, it can be a bit overwhelming, and that’s why we want to help you guys out with easy options to drop weight on autopilot, especially if you are just starting out.
1. Lose Weight without Food Deprivation: There are hardly any weight loss diets out there that encourage you to eat really well, but the diets on the Rati Beauty app help shed extra pounds without depriving you of food and takes the stress off you on what to eat next to lose weight. This diet smoothens out the path for you so that you get leaner and fitter the healthy way. So, this diet program helps you to cut out the stress by putting your weight loss journey on autopilot.
2. Cut out Sugar Completely for 15 Days: If there’s one major factor standing between you and your goal weight, it’s added sugar. Excess sugar consumption works in multiple ways to block weight loss – by raising inflammation, by making body cells insulin resistant, and also by causing leptin resistance. If a person is consuming a lot of sugar in their daily diet, the body will convert the glucose from sugar source to fat and store it for later use. By cutting down sugar, you will not be providing the body fuel for fat storage (glucose) and with exercise and diet routine, you would be able to shed weight really well and get your dream body and goal weight quickly.
3. Fill Half of your Plate with Veggies: Most veggies are extremely low in calories and considered one of the most-filling foods. They nourish the body with vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, protein, minerals, necessary to synthesize essential hormones and enzymes that boost weight loss. Though healthy foods should be taken in limited amount, fresh vegetables are an exception, which you can eat as much as you can and rarely get into a calorie surplus! Diet experts recommend getting 2 to 3 servings of vegetables each day. However, if you are not gung-ho about the idea of eating veggies day in and day out, here are 9 interesting ways to eat more vegetables for weight loss.
4. Sleep for at Least 7 Hours Each Night: You can manage to drop a few pounds by doing nothing but just sleeping like a baby. Even if you exercise every single day and eat literally nothing, but if you don’t get that mandatory 7 hours of sleep, no significant weight loss is going to happen. In fact, being a night owl, it’s easy to gain weight.
5. Make the Gut Robust: A big secret to losing weight and attain good health is to make the gut robust. When the digestive system is functioning normally, every function in the body runs smoothly. There’s a strong link between a healthy gut and weight loss, and probiotics and prebiotics help a great deal to strengthen the gut. Here’s the list of “10 Best Probiotic Food Items That are Good For Your Gut.”
6. Mindful Eating: Even if you are eating the healthiest of foods, if you don’t eat them mindfully, you would not achieve successful weight loss. You might have heard a lot about portion control and calorie deficit with regards to weight loss, but without mindful eating, those practices would be ineffective. So, here’s “9 Mindful Eating Hacks to Eat Right and Lose Weight.”
7. Cut on Refined Carbs Completely: Refined carbs have empty calories without any nutritional value to them, and most of these empty calories get converted to fat. By cutting down refined carbs, you can drop numbers on the weighing scale really well.
8. Be on your Feet as Much as you Can and Practice NEAT Activities: NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis and it is the amount of energy we use for everything we do in our day-to-day life except for when we are sleeping or exercising. Using the stairs instead of the lift, squatting on the floor to lift something up, walking while talking on the phone, every activity we do while being on our feet, comes under NEAT. All these activities help to burn some amount of calories and these bits of calories spent here and there, add up to a considerable amount when you are trying to lose weight. On the weekends, do not be a couch potato, move around, do household chores, organize wardrobe, and get your calories burning through Saturday and Sunday. Here are some examples of NEAT activities that you can indulge in.
9. These 17 Small Lifestyle Habits Will Absolutely Help you with Weight Loss, and they are easy to follow too.
17 Small Lifestyle Habits That Will Help you with Weight Loss
Set Point Weight Theory and Ways to Change it to Achieve Weight Loss
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