Gemini, Your April Horoscope Wants You To Make Peace With Your Past
You’re going into the month of April ready to talk about your dreams, Gemini. After all, Mercury enters your 11th house of visions on April 3, helping you identify what your aspirations are as you put your focus into leaving a positive impact on the world. You may be somewhat tripped up when Mars squares off with Neptune on April 9, leaving you feeling aimless and confused about how to get to where you want to be. However, your Gemini April 2021 horoscope proves that life is a marathon, not a sprint!
You’ll have a powerful opportunity to zero in on your hopes and dreams and enlist like-minded individuals to help you along the way when the new moon radiates throughout your 11th house of community on April 11. Reach out to people who share your values and want to contribute to your vision! However, working together requires letting go of your ego and cooperating, which may not be easy when the sun squares off with Pluto come April 16. If someone’s trying to exert control over this shared effort, it will only diminish the power of the end result.
You’ll feel a deep and soulful shift take place once Venus, Mercury and the sun have all entered your 12th house of spirituality on April 19. This will be a time of release and introspection, prompting you to feel your feelings and make peace with your past. However, as you search deep within, you may be surprised by what you find. On April 22, Venus and Uranus will form a conjunction in your 12th house of the subconscious, which may lead to some unexpected psychic downloads. Let your intuition show you the way!
Even though everything seems up in the air, you’ll feel more supported by April 23, when Mars activates your second house of finances and self-worth. This will motivate you to work harder to create a stable foundation and a safety net. This is an excellent time to prove you deserve that raise! And when the full moon blasts through your sixth house of work on April 26, you’ll have a better understanding of how you can utilize your time and energy in more efficient, focused ways. Refine your daily routine and you’ll thrive, Gem!
from StyleCaster