It is quite frustrating to have acne outbreaks at the same time every month even though you are extremely finicky about your skincare routine. It’s relatively easy to keep regular acne breakouts in check, but when certain hormones dip every month, most women find zits and bumps popping up here and there. However, it is not that difficult when you put into practice certain skin care tips and products that can work to clear even the stubbornest of pimples. So, let’s read about 10 Ways to Reduce Hormonal Acne Breakouts.
1. Start on a Clean Diet: Switching to a clean and healthy diet can impact your overall health and hormones a great deal, in a positive way. Do steer clear of processed food, transfat, diet soda, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, etc. Additionally, starting on healthy diets such as on Rati Beauty app will not only help you lose weight, they can also help optimize hormones and reduce inflammation, which would directly impact skin’s texture. So, here’s the double bonus – you get to lose weight and keep hormonal acne in check as well through a healthy diet on the Rati Beauty app.
2. Drink Spearmint Tea Twice a Day: Herbal teas like green tea, chamomile tea, etc. are known to have anti-inflammatory properties and help in reducing acne, but spearmint tea is specifically efficient at controlling hormonal acne. Drinking two cups of pure spearmint tea daily reduces cystic acne lesions and helps soothe inflammation. Additionally, they also help balance out hormones and reduce hirsutism. Read about one of our writers treated her PCOS and Hormonal Acne with Spearmint Tea.
3. Use Products with BHA (Salicylic Acid): A popular beta hydroxy acid, salicylic acid, lives up to its hype, and helps in reducing breakouts. It helps in dissolving the dead skin cells and smoothens out the skin texture while unclogging the pores that can cause breakouts. When used in the right concentration, it does not irritate or dry out the skin. It can be widely found in many cleansers, topical treatments or face masks. Not to mention, it can help in preventing the appearance of blemishes as well.
4. Modify Your Skin Care Routine: If you suffer from hormonal breakouts, then you are definitely not invested in a skin care routine specifically for acne. It means that, if you want to fight the hormonal breakouts, then you must modify your skin care routine 4-5 days prior to the starting of your menstrual cycle. You can switch up the basic products like a facial cleanser or a face mask. Do not use alcohol-based skincare products that can aggravate acne condition. You can use a clay mask specifically for that area where you tend to breakout. You can also incorporate any essential oil into your skincare routine a few days prior to your periods to prevent or treat the outbreaks.
5. Use Topical Treatments: Use topical treatments regularly during the complete period of time. It will help in preventing the outbreaks and development of blemishes. Not to mention, if you are a victim of hormonal acne, then you must be aware of when and where you are going to have outbreaks. Thus, use this knowledge to prevent the tiny zits from developing while treating the blemishes altogether. If you get cystic acne, it will be best to use anti-cyst treatments. You can also start using the treatments a few days prior to your periods as well.
6. Manage Your Stress: Stress plays a very important role in fluctuating the hormonal levels. When you are stressed, a stress hormone is released into the body that is responsible for the acne breakouts. In order to manage your stress, you can try out yoga or meditation. It will help with stress management, and not only will you feel better, but also it will balance the hormonal level.
7. Topical Application of Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is popular from ancient times to treat acne due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a great ingredient used in healing acne scars as well. Tea tree oil is so effective and that’s why extensively used in anti-acne skincare products and treatments. Read about “8 Ways to use Tea Tree Oil for Acne and Acne Scars.”
8. Probiotics: Kefir, bad bacteria and reducing inflammation. The protein lactoferrin gives kefir extra blemish-fighting power.
9. Turmeric Mask: When it comes to beauty, it is widely used in face packs and ubtans to brighten, lighten, to get rid of acne scars and discoloration. People in the west use it on a regular basis to even out their skin and reduce hyperpigmentation. Turmeric when used correctly can get rid of acne and pimples with its antibiotic and healing properties. In this post, we are going to show you 15 Ways To Use Turmeric for Removing Pimples.
10. Aspirin Mask: If you seen an emerging pimple, find an aspirin, and no, don’t gulp it down with water! Dissolve an aspirin with enough water to form a paste. Apply this to that zit and let it sit for half an hour. Wash it off with plain water and pat dry, soon you will notice that the redness and pimple size has come down. Read about “5 Ways to Use Aspirin for Beautification.”
If the hormonal acne is becoming severe, then you must see a doctor. When all the efforts go in vain, then a doctor can help you cope with the issue. A doctor can update your skin care regimen and provide a medicinal prescription to keep the hormonal acne under control. Not to mention, a gynaecologist will be the best to understand the hormonal fluctuations. Thus, if you experience the outbreaks more than normal, then do pay a visit to a gynaecologist.
8 Ways to use Tea Tree Oil for Acne and Acne Scars
15 Ways To Use Turmeric for Removing Pimples
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