11/11 Is the Most Powerful Day of 2020 & Here’s What You Should Do
If you’re a follower of astrology (hi, hello, welcome), there’s a high chance you’re hyper-aware that Mercury is finally direct after retrograde ended on Nov. 3 (ugh, don’t remind us). You might have been carefully watching your words and practicing patience with whatever cellphone/computer mishaps occurred during that time of astrological turmoil, but another date you should keep in mind is today. Yep, read that again. Something very interesting in ~ the universe ~ is happening on Nov. 11. But before you go furiously searching for “11/11 date meaning” on Google, take a deep breath and know that it’s good news. Nov. 11 isn’t here to hurt you, but rather the opposite. (Also, just, like, scroll down and read up on this. No need to go and get Google involved.)
Ever wish on 11:11 before? Well, the myth that 11:11 is prime wishing time didn’t just come out of nowhere—1111 has a spiritual significance, according to both astrology and numerology. It represents a powerful opportunity to connect with your inner self and kickstart some good-ass spiritual growth (hell yeah). According to Hans Decoz of Numerology.com, “The number 11 represents instinct and is the most intuitive of all numbers. It is your connection to your subconscious, to gut feeling and knowledge without rationality.” It’s also the number you’ll see often see when you’re about to experience a spiritual awakening, “or rebirth of some sorts,” says Imelda of TrustedPsychicMediums.com.
So of course, every year on Nov. 11, we get the chance to experience this master number in all its glory. But this year, it’s a little bit different. A little bit more powerful. Basically, get ready to emerge from Nov. 11 all shiny and renewed. If you want to get into some more specifics about what 1111 means and what to do after seeing 1111, then scroll through and absorb some of this priceless knowledge, my friends. And a very happy 11/11 to you.
What Does 1111 Mean?
It’s a Message From the Universe
Not only is 1111 considered a “master number,” it’s also an angel number through which your spirit guides may be contacting you. Not in a “Hey, Susan, how ya doin’,” sort of way, but more like a confirmation that you’re on the right path (although that would be cool to say wassup to your spirit guides and get a nm, hbu back). Of course, you may see 11:11 on the clock, but it can also show up in the most mundane of places. Maybe you’ll see it on a license plate, maybe your next purchase will ring up as $11.11, or maybe you’ll hit pause on “Greatest Vine Compilation, Version 8” on YouTube right at 11:11. (Too specific? Has this happened to me before? Maybe.)
Wherever you see it, you can rest assured, knowing that you’re headed in the right direction in terms of spiritual growth and manifesting your goals. And speaking of manifesting…
You Can Manifest Anything Right Now
The number 11 is potent with ~ manifestation powers ~. So be sure to pay attention to your thoughts right now. Members of the spiritual community heavily preach thinking positive thoughts only, especially during 11:11 and on Nov. 11, because it’s quite possible that just through the power of thought alone, you may make certain things happen.
In less woo-y terms: Be sure to focus on the things you want to happen and not on what you’re afraid of happening. Think positive thoughts. You’re more likely to spot and seize opportunities if you do.
An Energetic Portal Is Opening Up
Before you roll your eyes or sigh expletives, no, I do not mean like a doorway to another dimension. At least, not in the way that sci-fi movies often capture portals. What I mean is on Nov. 11, things feel more possible, and there is a sort of energetic gateway through which you can send your desires and watch them manifest. This is an opportunity to “ascend” spiritually, as it’s likely that many others are also feeling the same positive energy and desire to spiritually awaken alongside you.
You Might Be Meeting a Soul Mate or Your Twin Flame Soon
Given that 1111 is a spiritual number, it should come as no surprise that it’s also the number most commonly associated with spiritual relationships, such as soul mates and twin flames. Now, seeing 1111 everywhere doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be running into your soul mate or twin flame. It just may mean that you’re awfully close. So if you’ve been looking for love (or just simply looking to level up on your spiritual ascension journey), be open-minded and receptive to opportunities at this time. Note any signs or significant dreams you may be having—they might hold clues as to what’s to come.
What Do You Do After Seeing 1111?
Be Mindful of Your Thoughts
As mentioned before, Nov. 11 is prime manifestation time—whether you want it to be or not. So don’t dwell on what could go wrong. Instead, look forward to the possibilities you’re excited about and do so with non-attachment to the outcome. Just simply put your wish out into the world, put forth some elbow-grease (of course), but don’t tie your entire identity around it. If it doesn’t work out, chances are the universe has something even better waiting for you.
Be Open and Receptive
Life is full of opportunities for growth. And spiritually, this couldn’t be more true. Through all your hardships and celebrations, be open to what these opportunities may have for you. Make them teachable moments.
Ask for Guidance, If Needed
If you’re feeling stuck or challenged, ask for help. There’s absolutely no shame in that. Ask a friend, family member, mentor, therapist, confidant, or your inner self. Especially your inner self. Listen to your intuition. It probably has a lot to say at this time.
from StyleCaster