A large number of reliable studies and intense research have repeatedly established the importance of good quality sleep with weight loss. On the other hand, sleep deprivation is directly linked to weight gain and obesity. You can do intense exercise and literally have no food during the day, but don’t expect to lose any weight if you aren’t planning to get at least 7 hours of sleep in the night. As we have mentioned previously too, poor quality of sleep is one of the major reasons for weight gain and obesity. In fact, if you desperately want to get rid of belly fat, just sleep tight in the night. Not having a sound sleep has a spiralling effect when it comes to weight and health – it reduces leptin (satiety hormone) level, increases cortisol production, makes metabolism sluggish, lowers fat-burning enzymes, increases level of the hunger hormone “ghrelin.”Added to this, bad sleep can hamper the gut flora by hampering the physiological stress response, and an imbalanced gut can totally stall the whole weight loss process. In fact, in all seriousness, do nothing but sleep like a baby all through the night to shed extra flab!
Melatonin – The Sleep Hormone:
Melatonin, is the sleep hormone, which the body produces at night, enabling you to have a good night’s sleep. Optimum levels of melatonin boosts metabolism, accelerates fat burning, and prevents insulin resistance. Our brain starts pumping out melatonin after sundown when the body is ready to go into the rest mode. However, exposure to blue light through gadgets (phone, tv, etc.) can disrupt the sleep-wake cycle, also called the circadian rhythm of the body, and cause disruption in melatonin release, severely affecting the quality of sleep. A disruption in circadian rhythm can trigger a lot of health problems – from insulin resistance to depression, and that’s why sleeping for at least 7 hours every night matters, from lowering stress to losing weight.
10 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight in your Sleep:
1. Eat all your Complex Carbs at Lunch: Carbs are not bad, refined carbs are! Complex carbs keep you full for longer hours and provide nutrition to the body (we are talking about the essential fiber here). It is also important to pick the correct time to eat those important complex carbs because they are needed for serotonin, melatonin release and also tryptophan absorption, helping to control mood and stress. Tryptophan is an amino acid which triggers serotonin and dopamine synthesis. Also, eating complex carbs at lunch helps in keeping one satiated, keeping the blood sugar stable through the night.
2. Eat Good Amount of Protein at Dinner: As we all know, protein has thermogenic properties and having a protein-rich dinner will help burn calories throughout the night.
3. Stay away from blue light one hour before sleep: Exposure to light and blue light from gadgets can increase insulin resistance, and insulin as we all know, is also a fat storage triggering hormone, leading to weight gain. Keep all your gadgets away at least one hour before sleeping to balance out the circadian rhythm of the body.
4. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar before Bedtime: Rati Beauty weight loss diets recognizes the importance of apple cider vinegar in weight loss and that’s why include this fermented drink in a majority of their diet programs, and do you know, drinking one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in warm water at night can regulate blood sugar level, boost metabolism, suppress appetite, and improve insulin resistance.
5. Meditate before Sleeping: Spending just 10 minutes calming down by meditating right before bedtime would help lower stress and help trigger the release of melatonin. Listening to soothing music would also help a lot.
6. Lower the Temperature while Sleeping: Selecting a lower temperature on the air conditioner while sleeping at night can actually trigger the burning of brown fat in the body. In cold temperatures, the body burns brown fat to raise heat in the body.
8. Eat at least two to three hours before Sleep: Do have your dinner at least two to three hours before bedtime because instead of going into a rest mode, the digestive system remains active and prevents you from having a good night’s sleep. Also, calories from the food wouldn’t get utilized at all because the metabolism is low, and most of it would get stored as fat in the body.
9. Do not have coffee or green tea before bedtime: The caffeine content in green tea and coffee will keep you awake for the larger part of night. Have your cup of coffee or green tea a few hours before hitting the sack.
10. Sip on Chamomile Tea: Nothing like a cup of warm chamomile tea to relieve stress and anxiety before bedtime. Chamomile also helps to reduce inflammation while you sleep and the antioxidants also have a calming effect on the body.
10 Foods That Burn Fat While You Sleep
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14 Foods you should Never Eat Before Bed to Lose Weight
29 Unexpected Benefits of Losing Weight Healthy Way
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