There are no magic pill or powder that can replace consistent work in the gym and a clean diet to lose weight. But there are definitely a few ingredients that can boost your body’s metabolism rate and help you in your weight loss journey. One such ingredient is green tea and green coffee. A hot cup of freshly brewed green tea leaves and green coffee beans can have some exceptional health benefits. They not only improve your overall health but also help in burning those extra fats from your belly and thighs. After all who wants to see those loose extra pounds of fats! But when it comes to fat loss, which one of these greens reigns supreme? Let’s find it out in this article.
Green tea has carved a niche for itself in the weight loss and fitness world. It seems to have got the tag of being the elixir of weight loss. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it the most attractive and the best drink to lose weight. However, in the recent past, another beverage has grabbed the fitness world as one of the healthy weight loss ingredients – green coffee. It also helps in treating diabetes and heart diseases.
How does green coffee help in weight loss?
Green coffee beans are the ones that haven’t been roasted yet. It contains CGA, which the beans release when it is being roasted. CGA helps the body in handling its blood sugar level and also keeps the metabolism rate under control. Since these coffee beans are not roasted, they have much higher levels of CGA as compared to other forms of coffee. The CGA also helps in burning fats faster.
In a nutshell, consumption of green coffee does these to you:
- Green coffee helps the release of fatty acids.
- It works as a catalyst in the oxidation of your body fat.
- It helps and improves your body’s metabolism rate
- Green coffee also helps in stimulating the absorption of fat in the liver.
How does green tea help in weight loss?
Green tea, on the other hand, is extracted from the plant called ‘Camellia sinensis’. Green tea has less amount of caffeine and is packed full of health-promoting compounds. According to studies, drinking green tea can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of several diseases, including diabetes, cancer, and other heart-related diseases. Consumption of green tea also stimulates the nervous system and helps in increasing the body’s metabolism rate. The high level of antioxidants present in green tea also helps your body to gain energy and your brain to perform better.
In a nutshell, consumption of green tea does these to you:
- It is extremely rich in antioxidants and thus helps in preventing premature aging of the skin.
- It helps in breaking down the fat in your body and increases energy in the body.
- It also improves mental clarity and alertness.
- The properties of green tea also lower blood pressure.
Green Coffee Vs Green Tea – The Conclusion
Both green tea or green coffee has some exceptional health benefits. They improve your health from deep inside, flush out the toxins, help burn fat, and protect your skin from aging. However, some of the recent studies have shown that green coffee is a lot more effective for your weight loss since it starts showing the results much faster. But, do not forget that even a cup of green tea can help you in your weight loss journey. Just that you will have to keep some patience. Also, don’t forget that these two drinks are no magic elixirs. Consumption of green tea or green coffee can only show visible results when you follow a proper diet and exercise regime.
from Fitness