10 Best NGOs In Bangalore For Helping The Needy
In this fast-paced world that we live in today, everyone is hustling to make a living. But amidst the busy lives that we all lead, we often end up neglecting the needs of the unprivileged people in the society that we are a part of. While many of us get to spend quality time with our families in the comfort of our homes, there are people out there who can’t afford fresh cooked meals even once a day and don’t have a place to stay. But as they say, it’s never too late to make a change; the best thing that one can do is to give back to the society by volunteering at non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Bangalore.
A new cultural shift, weekend volunteering has slowly become the new norm in the city. Bangalore has around 945 NGOs that offers you a chance to donate your time and skills while gaining some valuable life experiences. If you live in Bangalore and would like to spend your free time, volunteering and helping out the needy, here is a list of 10 NGOs in Bangalore.
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10 Best NGOs In Bangalore
1. Reshape The Lives Of Children: ACCESS
Association for Community Care, Education and Social Services (ACCESS) is an NGO at Bangalore founded to help children who are being exploited as child laborers in the stone quarries of Bangalore by rescuing and providing them with education and health facilities. They take care of the child’s physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. In the past year, they have provided daily nutritional supplements to around 700 children. ACCESS has opened doors and reshaped the lives for hundreds of children from disadvantaged families so that they can confidently go out into the world. You can get involved with ACCESS’ work by becoming a programme tutor and supporting children in their learning or by delivering monthly training sessions and presentations on vital topics like child rights or hygiene to the children and their parents. One can even make donations to help transform their lives.
2. A Training Centre For The Intellectually Challenged: Diya Foundation
Diya Foundation is a vocational training centre cum sheltered workshop in Bangalore where intellectually challenged adults are prepared to meet life’s challenges through training and employment. Set up in 1999, the young members of this charitable organisation are trained to make handcrafted items. Students that graduate from this NGOs training program, go through a process of internship training before getting placed into employment. This NGO in Bangalore offers a variety of volunteering opportunities where one can help create support structures for these individuals to face intellectual challenges at home, at work and in the community. You can even make donations to help train specially-abled people live a fulfilling and productive life.
3. Work For The Welfare Of Visually Impaired: Mitra Jyothi
Mitra Jyothi is an NGO in Bangalore that has been working for the welfare of visually impaired people since the last 26 years. It trains these individuals in basic and advanced computer usability skills through the use of Non-Visual Desktop Access or NVDA, a free screen reading software that enables vision impaired or blind people to use computers. Students are also introduced to spoken English, legal literature, cooking, etc. based on their interest. Over the years, it has conducted a variety of support programmes and training courses to assist them in becoming confident to achieve their goals. You can join as an intern or, as a volunteer if you wish to participate in their cause.
4. First-Ever Animal Shelter: CUPA
Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA), the well-established animal welfare organisation runs seven centres in Bangalore for stray, abandoned and left-behind animals including dogs, horses, turtles, and cats. Setup in 1991 by Miss Crystal Rogers, a British woman, this NGO in Bangalore is the first-ever shelter that would take in and provide suffering animals a safe space for happiness and healing. With around a 100 dogs of various shapes and sizes, the adoption centre houses a creche for puppers, an operating room, and even an AC room for cold climate dog breeds. You can volunteer to help take care of these shelters and animals. If you’re looking to adopt, you’ll need to visit a few times to bond with the animal before getting it over to your home. If you’re an animal lover, this place is a heaven for you.
5. Tackle Bangalore’s Garbage Problem: Hasirudala
Hasirudala is one of the organisations that tackles Bangalore’s garbage problem by aiming to improve the living conditions for the city’s waste pickers. They also provide waste management and training services to the city at large. Started in 2013, this is one of the NGOs in Bangalore that value the efforts of the public; as you can volunteer to help set up Hasirudala-enabled waste-management solutions in homes or workplaces, or even donate to help their cause.
6. Aiming To Improve The Quality Of Education: Pratham Books
Pratham Books is one of India’s largest non-profit children’s book publishers that aim to improve the quality of education pan-India and to provide high quality education for the less fortunate ones. This NGO in Bangalore also conducts regular storytelling sessions, book readings, and many such events. They endeavour to enable access to books by reducing the barriers to reading and have published books in over 21 Indian languages. Volunteers are welcome to participate at book fairs, contribute to app/video development, or help with the press releases and newsletters.
7. Eradicate Sexual And Gender Based Violence: Blank Noise
Blank Noise is a community of ‘Action Sheroes, Theyroes and Heroes’, instrumental in building public discourse to eradicate sexual and gender based violence. Initiated in 2003, they tackle major issues like rape culture, harassment, misogyny and victim blame. Designed to shift the fear based relationship women have been taught to have, this NGO in Bangalore creates a safe space for survivors to be heard. You can volunteer and sign up to be an Action Shero/Hero in ending sexual violence.
8. Build A Support System For Underprivileged Children: MAD

Make A Difference (MAD), is a Bangalore-based non-profit organisation which was started by youth, for the youth, in 2006 to ensure better outcomes for underprivileged children across India. Reaching out to about 4,000 kids across 23 cities as of now, this is among the NGOs in Bangalore that delivers impact through a fellow-managed volunteering model of 4,250 young participants. You can spend between two and 10 hours to help children in orphanages and street shelters and build a support system for them during their childhood. One can even donate to help these abandoned children get access to quality education.
9. Transform The Lives Of Impoverished Children: Christel House India
Christel House Learning Center (CHLC) provides free quality education till grade 12 transforms the lives of impoverished children in and around Bangalore. Currently supporting 800+ students, they complement with nutritious meals, regular healthcare, career planning, guidance counselling, and family assistance. Founded in 2001, this NGO in Bangalore also encourages extracurricular activities and life skills for a child’s overall development. You can volunteer or donate at this NGO in Bangalore to help support a child make a better future for themselves.
10. A Safe Space For The Transgender Community: Aravani Art Project
Aravani Art Project is a woman and transgender collective NGO in Bangalore that involves a collaborative public/wall art project to help create awareness about the transgender community and safe spaces for alternate voices through art. Founded in 2016, they also conduct meet-ups, panel discussions, perform street theatre, and participate in theatre festivals to gently reshape the politics of inclusion and exclusion that surround gender identities. If you’re into painting or art, you can also volunteer with them by helping contribute to their cause.
Why Should You Volunteer At NGOs?
In this world of self-doubt and constant cynicism, being a part of someone else’s victory is indeed one of the most humble experiences. Volunteering at an NGO in Bangalore will help you discover a whole new side to yourself, one that wants to help restore the power of humanity.
NGOs play a critical role in promoting citizen participation, improving communities, and developing society.
Nowadays, young Indians want to make a positive influence in the society they live in, through their jobs and work. Working or volunteering at an NGO will bring a sense of job satisfaction and make a significant contribution towards a better tomorrow. So if you’re looking to spend your spare time on a worthwhile experience, volunteering at an NGO is the perfect thing to do. A little help from your side can make a big difference!
Also Read: When does volunteer tourism do more harm than good?
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