Hell Hath No Fury Like The 4 Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs
I’ll be honest—some of you aren’t going to like this one. Sometimes, though, an astrologer’s gotta do what an astrologer’s gotta do, and this week, that includes calling out some bad behavior. Let’s get right down to it and talk about the four most dangerous zodiac signs. Are you ready?
When I say that these four star signs are the most “dangerous,” I don’t mean that they should be avoided at all costs, or that they’re even bad people. These four signs just tend to have a more pronounced ~dark side~ than the others—and honestly, some of the signs I’m calling out might surprise you. Some have a really easy time stepping into the light. Libras, for example, can hop into peacemaking roles quite easily, and it’s in these roles that their vibrance shines.
However, some signs on this list have a harder time with this. Looking at you, Scorpio! Scorpios are usually relegated to a dark corner to sulk with their tarot cards, and you might not see any similarities to the vibrant but equally-dangerous Libras at first glance.
By highlighting the dangerous aspects of some of our beloved zodiac signs, I intend to show that each of us has light and dark within us. Sometimes the stars toss us a crummy hand—Mercury rolls into retrograde, Mars sits in Aries—but that doesn’t mean that we’re destined to be jerks.
When the stars present us with challenges, they give us the opportunity to become better people. When you can work with your shadow self, your light grows so much brighter. Without further ado, here are the four most dangerous zodiac signs (and some things that I LOVE about each one, just to balance out the negativity).

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Sagittarians are the wild cards of the zodiac; they rely on pure luck to get them from Point A to Points B through Z. Sometimes this is a good thing—people who are “born lucky” have an easier time getting sweet jobs or finding a partner they really dig, and when you understand how lucky you are, you develop a natural air of peace and gratitude in regards to the mysteries of life. This is what makes some Sagittarians truly magical people.
However, when you’re constantly testing your luck like many shadowy Sags do, you have the potential to burn out HARD. If you’re a Sagittarius and you’re stuck on a non-stop party binge with some shady folks, don’t think that just because you haven’t crashed yet, doesn’t mean you won’t. Stop the dangerous behavior and reel it in, Sag. You’re better than that!

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Scorpios aren’t to be trifled with—though they may seem cool and collected on the outside, if they don’t have their shadow side under control, they’re likely fuming on the inside and plotting their revenge. Shadow Scorpios are so vengeful because they feel like they’ve been dealt a bad hand in life. They’re a water sign, which means that they experience emotions that fluctuate rapidly, but they’re also ruled by Mars, the planet of rage and war.
If you’ve wronged a shadow Scorp, you’ve probably gotten a mean pinch from their pointy stinger. However, when they have their emotions under control, Scorpios have the potential to be talented wise-folk. Scorpios who have seen the light often end up as energy healers, fortune tellers and astrologers because of their ability to balance good and bad with their watery emotions. In difficult times, don’t forget your potential, dear Scorpio.

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Virgos are some of the most obsessive people you’ll ever meet, and when they don’t get their nitpicky tendencies under control, there’s a chance that you’ll accidentally walk through their fire, not realizing that you’ve completely ruined their entire day with one little mistake. When a shadow Virgo doesn’t get her way, she gets PISSED—she’ll subtweet you, but make sure that you see it.
This is a shame, because Virgos can become exceptional leaders and organizers when they step into the light. Virgos are grounded people who know how to keep their nose to the grindstone, and their strong ethics propel their work in the right direction. You’re a good one, Virgo—don’t get caught up in the annoying minutiae.

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Hell hath no fury like a Libra scorned. When you cross a Libra, make sure you’re ready for them to completely dissolve your friend group and claim everything you have as their own. You don’t see their attacks coming because of their calm nature, but trust me when I say that they’ll never forget that you’ve wronged them.
Libras are the sign of the scales; they’re natural mediators, but even the smallest conflict can cause the scales of a shadow Libra to wobble to extremes. One moment they’re cool as a cucumber, and the next they’re roasting you right to your face, attacking you where it hurts the most. Libra—don’t forget that other people have emotions just as strong as yours. Be kind.
from StyleCaster