Hello friends,
I am back with another post! Today, we would be talking about how to get rid of acne scars. Acne or pimples generally leave behind acne scars which may fade in a few days, months or sometimes it may even take a year. Treating acne can be a pain but what’s more painful are the stubborn acne scars they leave behind. There are several treatments available in the market which can help you to get rid of these acne scars. Practically, acne scars cannot fade away overnight, hence you should keep your faith on various treatments and apply them regularly in order to treat them.
So, here’s how you could get rid of the acne scars.
1. Go For Laser Treatments:
In order to get rid of the acne scars, you should be opting for laser treatments. Mild or intensive scarring can be smoothed using lasers. Using lasers can help to vaporize the scars which in turn increase the production of new cells in its place. Laser treatment is responsible for collagen production which helps to promote new skin thus healing the acne scars.
2. Use Skin Lightening Creams:
Using skin lightening creams is another easy way of getting rid of acne scars easily. Skin lightening creams contain a lot of Vitamin C, liquorice extract, mulberry extract, kojic acid etc. These active ingredients work effectively on the skin thus reducing the acne scars without causing any damage to the skin. However, people with darker skin should not use too much of these skin lightening creams as it might destroy the melanin leading to a worse situation. Use Kama Ayurveda Nalpamaradi Skin Brightening Treatment or Shiseido White Lucent Brightening Massage Cream for best results.
3. Fresh lemon juice:
One natural and effective way to heal acne scars and get rid of them is by using lemon juice. Lemon juice contains citric acid and natural bleaching properties which can lighten the scar and also promote healthy skin. Simply combine equal parts of lemon juice with water and apply on the acne scars. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash off with clear water.
4. Egg whites:
Egg whites have mending properties which can heal the scars and also make them less visible. Egg whites contain a lot of amino acids and protein which not only heals the skin but also makes it healthy, supple and soft. It prevents breakouts on the skin and also lightens the scars. Take one egg white and add some aloe vera gel to it. Mix together and apply on the face. Allow it to dry and wash off with cold water. Repeat this twice or thrice in a day to get rid of the acne scars easily.
5. Regular exfoliation:
You should consider exfoliating your skin regularly so that it helps to get rid of the acne scars and also promotes new cell generation. Exfoliating helps to slough off the dead skin cells easily and also promotes fresh and new skin. Considering the fact that exfoliating is good for your skin, you should exfoliate regularly to get rid of the acne scars. Make sure you choose right scrub according to your skin type.
6. Use salicylic acids treatment:
Salicylic acid is one of the most effective acids which can be safely used on the skin. They are generally found in most acne creams, lotions, and moisturizers. Salicylic acids is quite effective in treating acne scars as it helps to shed the upper skin layer thus treating the hyperpigmented skin easily. Salicylic acid is also good to be used for acne prone skin as it helps to reduce the production of sebum on the face.
7. Olive oil therapy:
You should consider using olive oil regularly in order to get rid of acne scars and also prevent acne on the face. Olive oil is a great source of Vitamin E which helps to fight against the scars on the face thus promoting clear and glowing skin. Also, olive oil is rich in anti oxidants which will promote healthy and glowing skin. Take some olive oil and warm it for some time. Now apply on the face, focusing especially on the dark acne spots. Wait until it dries and then wash off with lukewarm water later. Using olive oil regularly can help to heal the acne scars easily.
Hope these tips help. See you again soon. Till then, take care.
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