“Do your ears flip-flop
Can you use them for a mop?
Are they stringy at the bottom
Are they curly at the top?”
These popular lines from the nursery rhyme Do your ears hang low? may contain more wisdom than being just a sensory rhyme for the little ones.
When you get a reflexology massage at the beauty parlor during your next visit, notice how the masseuse pays special attention to your ears during the massage. And also, think back to the various doctors’ appointments, when your physician checked your tongue, ears, and throat before you even finished recounting your symptoms.
Does this ring a bell? Well, that’s because your ears, like many other body parts, instantly reveal information about the other organs to experienced professionals. What’s more? The ear has over 200 pressure or acupuncture points, and massaging it can provide immense relief from emotional and physical stress.
Take a look at this image below, and you will be astounded by how each little surface area of the ear is a reflex path to one of your organs.
Never heard your ears talked about so much in one monologue, have you? Well, sit back and read on to discover the magic points on your ear that will help you relieve pain, and how extreme cold weather may not be the only reason your ear is that red.
The image above shows you special points that you can gently stroke and massage to relieve pain. While you may need to visit a professional to get a reflexology massage for serious, ongoing or chronic health conditions, you could perhaps take a basic course to deal with minor concerns like common headaches.
The image below depicts various points on your ear where you can attach a tiny clamp to relieve pain.
If you recall those tender moments when your beloved strokes your ear, or your parents stroked your ear as a child when you couldn’t fall asleep, it would appear that they know the secret.
Starting upwards from the lobe, the lowest clamp at No. 6 is for the head and heart, followed by digestion right up above at No. 5, and by the ENT triad at No. 4. This would explain why a sinus infection is often accompanied by ear pain. In fact, doctors say that if you have ear pain and an ear infection is ruled out, the pain could indicate issues with another organ.
A nerve called the Vagus nerve descends from the brain through the ear to the throat and further into the abdomen. If you were looking for a scientific reason as to why some of our parents had our ears pierced as infants, this could be for better nerve functions.
Try and read into a pattern here. In most reflexology points, certain organs or body parts are placed close together. In the upper half of the ear, No. 3 is where you need to massage to relieve pain in the joints and No. 2 for the organs. The next time your mom complains of back and shoulder pain, just press gently and rub at the No.1 clamp’s spot. Your favorite breakfast is guaranteed the next day!
Red Ears
Red or deep red ears indicate adrenal fatigue or memory, and hence, brain issues. The body has multiple ways of warning us about what’s going right or wrong internally. Knowing some of these signs may help you have a more informed discussion with your doctor about your body, even if you are asymptomatic.
Pale Ears
For example, just as pale nail beds or pale or white eyeballs indicate anemia and vitamin deficiencies, a pale ear offers your doctor the same information. Your nail beds and eyeballs may be asymptomatic, but if you are low on energy and enthusiasm, you might want to push your hair behind and check your ears. And if your ears are small, you may be prone to eczema and kidney issues.
Your ears can also forecast potential health issues so that you can take preventive care. In a 1989 study in the British Heart Journal, diagonal creases in the outer ear were a warning about cardiovascular risks (1).
On the brighter side, your ears can also reveal information about your personality. An earlobe that seems like an extension to the cheek indicates recessive genes, while detached earlobes that hang away from the cheeks indicate dominant genes. At the next Sunday dinner, discreetly check the earlobes around the table to see if these are true.
Have you ever noticed that in newborns, you can hardly measure their toes and fingers, but that their ears seem to be of normal size? When babies are born, their ears are fully formed. As they grow into adults, the lobes will start to descend. People with bigger ears are said to be more intelligent, while those with ears that hang back are said to be opinionated. Call it a personality stamp, if you will.
Who knew that a shell-shaped body part that also contains the three smallest bones in our body could turn out to be such a wealth of health information!
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