When you get your own room, the one thing that you want to decide all by yourself is the color of its walls. You probably want to paint them in your favorite color. I did the same too. I put in a lot of effort to ensure all the rooms in my house were colored appropriately. When I say ‘appropriately’, I really mean it because you have no idea the effect it has on your mood. I know a thing or two about Vaastu and Feng Shui, thanks to the research I did recently. I found out that, apparently, the color of the walls can influence your moods. The colors also reflect your personality. So, the shade that you choose does matter, after all.
Ever wondered why a spa setting or a natural scenery makes you happy? There lies your answer. It’s all in the colors. But before you jump the gun, here’s a little bit of advice. Be cautious with your color selection. I’ll tell you why.
After I had told a friend of mine about the importance of colors, she went overboard and used exactly same shades on different walls, and the place looked like a mini circus set-up. Yes, colors do have an impact, but when you choose, make sure they are a pleasing blend and not random picks. To help you achieve that, here are a few tips. Pay attention!
Colors To Achieve The Desired Mood
Primarily, there are three types of colors: Active, passive, and neutral. Your choice of color should depend on what you want to achieve. Use pastels and light shades to give an airy, illuminated look to the room. If you want to make a room cozy, say, your bedroom, go for darker hues.
Here’s a peek into colors and their effects on you:
I am a sucker for red and badly wanted this in my home. I had even planned out the decor, like a red sofa in a terracotta tiled setting with the walls painted red. But, to my utter disappointment, I discovered that red is an element of fire and not advisable for rooms. Although this is a lucky Feng Shui color, you must avoid it to ensure harmony at home. If you must, restrict the color to a room where there’s minimum habitation. This color ups the blood pressure levels and the heartbeat too. So, it is best avoided if you have sick people around.
Symbolic of sunshine and happiness, yellow is ideal for living rooms, where you spend most of your time during the day. It’s an instant energizer and looks inviting. However, it is believed that this color isn’t pleasant for a baby’s room as it creates anxiety. So, stick to the TV room.
If you consult a Vaastu expert, he’s bound to recommend this color for your bedroom. Blue is believed to have a soothing effect on your mind. Make sure you complement it with furnishing in warm hues. But remember, by blue, I don’t mean the navy or dark version as it can evoke depression. Go for lighter shades of blue like turquoise or sky blue. Ideal for the bedroom and the kitchen.
Go green is the mantra of the millennium. Right from tea and coffee to themes for birthday parties, everything has gone green. We all know that plants help purify the air. And we all love green spaces as we feel a sense of tranquility when we see green. This is because the color is a blend of the refreshing blue and the cheerful yellow. You could use it in any room. If you want a quick way to unwind, go green as it promotes warmth and comfort. Apparently, the color also symbolizes fertility and helps relieve stress. This is surely a must-have color in one of your rooms.
Not everyone chooses this color because of its bold look. It’s over the top, but if used in a proper setting, it can enhance the look of the place, and make it look sophisticated and luxurious. It also lends depth to the room. But if you are not the one to take that risk, you could opt for lighter shades like lilac or lavender to create a subtle effect. Works best for dining spaces and living areas.
Oh! I just love tangerine in any shade. Just one look at this color and my mood changes from gloomy to gay! Such is the effect of this vibrant color. Orange is known to boost energy levels and is best suited for play areas or the fitness room.
Neutral Colors
I am referring to shades of brown, gray, white, and black here. These are rarely used colors. Rarely used because not many people use black in its entirety, it would only be a shade of black to complement or bring down the effect of another color. That’s because these neutral shades are flexible. Like, for example, there’s a touch of black in every room to give it depth.
So, there you go… different colors and their effects on your moods. The next time you want to paint the walls of your room, choose the colors wisely.
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