7 Best Setting Sprays to Keep Your Makeup From Melting Off
Not to be a Negative Nancy, but are we the only ones low-key dreading summer? I mean, sure, an 85-degree, pool-side Saturday sounds idyllic, but what about the non-pool moments, when your face sweats so profusely during your morning commute that all of your meticulously applied makeup slides off your face and into your fine lines? Yeah, not looking forward to that. Which is why we’re putting all our summer hopes and dreams into setting sprays, your new, non-negotiable beauty product that keeps makeup from budging all day—regardless of how outrageously hot and sweaty you get.
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Considering we have eight billion products to shield our hair from humidity, it only makes sense that we treat our faces with the same precaution, right? So instead of letting your makeup smudge and fade in the sweltering-summer heat, lock it in with a setting spray that’s not only super easy to use, but surprisingly effective, too. And because not all setting products are created equally, we rounded up the seven best formulas on the market right now, including a brand-spankin’-new release from Too Faced, and a drugstore-favorite from Maybelline. Trust: These sprays are so good, you might actually welcome summer with open arms. At least, for the few minutes that you’re outside while running to an air conditioned shelter. See the products below.
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from StyleCaster