10 Amazing Foods For Glowing Skin
We all want healthier-looking, younger skin. But did you know that putting the glow back into your skin can be as simple as eating the right things?
Your skin is not only your biggest organ, it’s also your most visible one. In other words, everyone can see it. As such, when your skin has an amazing, healthy glow, you naturally feel confident enough to show it off to people. When it is peppered with blemishes, on the other hand, you feel a lot less confident.
Sometimes you just want to keep it covered up. Not cool, especially when the summer is here and you’d really like to wear your bikini.
Good skin, therefore, equals more confidence.
The good news is that you don’t have to spend lots of money to give your skin its radiant glow back. You certainly don’t need to have cosmetic surgery! Moreover, you don’t even need to spend lots of money on over-the-counter beauty products.
You really are what you eat. To treat acne, reduce the signs of ageing, ward off wrinkles and battle cellulite, you just need to eat better. Let’s take a look at 10 amazing foods for glowing skin.
For Beauty and Tips, tomatoes are a super food and are definitely part of fabulous foods for glowing skin. We love this red fruit that’s as luscious as a pair of lips. Why? Because it does amazing things for your skin.
For one thing, tomatoes contain a phytochemical called lycopene, which boosts the production of collagen in your body. Collagen is an important protein that gives your skin its youthful, taut structure. It also helps you to fend off attack from nasty UV rays that are trying to penetrate your skin with pro-ageing free radicals.
If you’re not a big fan of tomatoes (perhaps you don’t like their skin or their texture), you don’t have to eat them whole to reap their benefits. You can eat more tomato sauce of paste instead.
Another one of amazing foods for glowing skin are carrots. You might have noticed a bit of a trend with these first two. Like tomatoes, carrots are a brilliant colour. While tomatoes are a deep red, carrots are a vibrant orange. And it’s essentially that orangeness that’s good for your skin.
The reason a carrot is so orange is that – like sweet potato and squash – it’s rich in beta-carotene. As well as being good for your eyes (yes, carrots really can help you see better in the dark), beta-carotene is good for your skin. It stops your skin’s outer layer from preventing too many cells.
Why is this good? Because when you have too many skin cells, you inevitably end up with too many dead skin cells.
Again, like tomatoes and carrots, turmeric is easily noticeable, thanks to its eye-catching colour, and it’s also one of great foods for glowing skin.
This spice has been used in Indian dishes for centuries, often medicinally. Sure, it adds a bit of fizz to meals. But it also reduces pain and protects us against certain cancers.
It also looks after your skin. Rich in a powerful antioxidant called curcumin, turmeric thus has anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent free radicals from running riot in your skin.
Turmeric looks after your skin in other ways, too. It can brighten up dark blotches, and help to heal scars that just don’t seem to want to go away.
Pumpkin may not be in season all year round. But when it’s hot, it’s hot.
And when Halloween swings around, forget about wearing a scary mask – try a face mask instead!
In fact, your pumpkin face mask – rich in skin-loving minerals, vitamins and antioxidants – could even double up as your scary mask this year if you get it right.
“Is that a face mask?”
Pumpkin Seeds
Not too keen on pumpkin? Can’t be bothered with the hassle of preparing pumpkin? Then try pumpkin seeds, because they definitely deserve to be included in our list of foods for glowing skin.
Pumpkin seeds are stuffed with omega 3’s, vitamins K and A, as well as zinc.
In other words, they work wonders for your skin.
Spinach may have given Popeye unbelievable strength, but what he didn’t seem to want to acknowledge was that spinach gave him unbelievable skin tone, too.
Just look at his head! Have you ever seen skin like that before?!
Like carrots, spinach contains beta carotene, which slows down the ageing process.
Another one of fabulous foods for glowing skin is salmon. This famous pink fish is easily one of the healthiest you can eat. Thanks to its omega-3’s content, it’s good for your brain. And thanks to its DMAE content, it’s also good for your skin.
DMAE safeguards your skin from damage and premature ageing by strengthening your cell membranes.
DMAE also stops your body from producing arachidonic acid, which has been linked to the formation of wrinkles.
Even better, DMAE (which is basically a miracle) completes its hat-trick of abilities by keeping your face looking firm and toned.
Avocado sales have rocketed by 184% since 2013. Everyone seems to be eating them right now. And with good reason, avocados are one of the best foods for glowing skin.
We might not all be aware of it, but avocados are very good for our skin. Rich in key antioxidants such as beta carotene and lutein, avocados help to hydrate and soften your skin.
If you’re a big fan of avocados, keep adding them to your salads, scrambled eggs, and so on.
If you’re not, you could easily turn them into a face mask and reap their benefits that way.
Dieticians all around the world are all in agreement that we should be eating more garlic. In fact, it’s recommended that we eat garlic at least once a day.
If that sounds like too much, you should at least try to eat it a few time a week. This is became garlic can prevent pesky breakouts, keeping your skin clean and clear.
Aren’t strawberries delicious? Who doesn’t like ‘em?!
Okay, strawberries aren’t to everyones taste. But these berries that are bursting with flavour, life and refreshment should be added to your diet right now if you happen to like them. They boost your skin’s production of collage, and can reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
What are your favorite foods for glowing skin?
Stay happy and healthy!
from Beauty And Tips Magazine