‘Yes, I Think He’s Quite Sexy’: Pamela Anderson’s Most Revealing Thoughts About Julian Assange, in Her Own Words
Pamela Anderson hasn’t been shy about her feelings for Julian Assange.
The Baywatch actress is rumored to be dating the WikiLeaks founder after she’s been spotted visiting him at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London over the last few months. Recently, the actress has caused more speculation by posting a series of blogs on her website about her love and admiration for the whistleblower.
Read the most revealing thoughts on Assange below.
On meeting Assange:
Vivienne Westwood introduced Julian and I knowing both he and I quite intimately (maybe me, more than he) –
It is a match made in heaven -and hell-
depending on the vantage point.
On his physicality and vulnerableness:
Yes- I think he’s quite sexy.
He has tremendous strength and stamina- though vulnerable.
Hard to imagine him that way – as capable as he is.
On their blossoming relationship:
Mr Assange and I, have become
very dear friends over time.
That’s all I’m really comfortable saying…
Of course this is not an ideal situation –
It’s not indicative of any rational relationship.
I wouldn’t know what that is anyway.
Faith has been lost in modern romance.
On their romantic status:
Romantically –
I want to say we are in an
Ethically romantic period ,
It is tragic and heartfelt.
Julian Assange is attempting to
Free the world by educating it.
It is a romantic struggle.
That’s attractive to me.
Philosophically romantic in every way.
On public perception of their connection:
I’m also not shocked that this may be interpreted,
and ‘reduced’ to just a ‘sexual relationship’.
That is the easiest perception. And appeals to the tabloids.
Takes into account my image.
It may be hard to imagine for some-
that I have other assets –
of equal or greater value.
On her admiration for him:
He is a hero. One day everyone will realise. But until now, this man has missed 7 Christmases with his children and is kept in difficult and tremendously stressful conditions-while doing us all a great service. Everyone in the world has benefitted because of Wikileaks- He has sacrificed so much – to simply share the truth.
On the toll of his containment:
I’m extremely concerned for Julian’s well being.
If you knew him as I do, you would be too-
He has not felt the sunlight for almost 5 yrs.
He has tried uv lamps that have damaged his skin.
There is no substitute for natural light.
It is impossible to thrive if you cannot be in fresh air at least part of the time.
As tough as he is.
He will deteriorate this way.
And that is shameful.
He is the most important living Hero we have.
from PEOPLE.com